Comments policy
We welcome your informed, on topic and respectful comments on Sonic Knits. Below we’ve outlined some basic guidelines and rules on commenting to help us ensure open and relevant discussions.
If you read any comments that do not follow these guidelines, please use the ‘report comment’ function that you can find in the upper righthand corner of every comment, or contact us immediately.
Guidelines for comments
- Comments are solely the opinions of the individuals leaving them. In no way does Sonic Knits endorse or condone them.
- It is standard practice to ask for your name, email address and website URL when submitting a comment. Your name and email are required, but you are free to leave off a website URL.
- By commenting on Sonic Knits, you agree to our terms and conditions.
We reserve the right to edit, or not publish, comments that do not follow these guidelines.
Rules for comments on Sonic Knits
- No slanderous or defamatory comments.
- No personal abuse.
- No racist or sexist comments.
- No topic hijacking. Please stay on topic.
- No code-baiting.
- No comments openly hostile to another code.
- No intolerance of other people’s views and opinions.
- No personal arguing. Please stick to the topics.
- Comments promoting products, or with irrelevant links to websites, will not be published.
- Please accept other people’s opinions, even if they are objectionable to you. Recognise the value in a proper discussion, and refrain from responding in a vindictive manner.
We reserve the right not to publish, or to edit, comments that do not follow the above rules or to place (without warning) offending commenters on moderation.
If these rules are not followed, we reserve the right to:
- Delete your comment without notice.
- Place you on moderation for any duration.
- Ban you from the site permanently, at our sole discretion.
If you read any comments that do not follow these rules, please contact us immediately.
If you wish to raise a concern, please do so and we will review and consider removing the offending comment.
Any threat of legal action may result in you receiving a permanent ban from the site and all of your comments being deleted, at our sole discretion.